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SOQL Basics - AccountRecords
No of Submissions: 61, Accuracy: 45.9%, Level: Medium
SOQL Basics - ContactRecords
No of Submissions: 31, Accuracy: 67.74%, Level: Easy
SOQL Basics - AccountRecordsByIndustry
No of Submissions: 411, Accuracy: 0%, Level: Hard
SOQL Basics - AccountRecordsForContacts
No of Submissions: 0, Accuracy: 0%, Level: Hard
SOQL Basics - CaseRecords
No of Submissions: 0, Accuracy: 0%, Level: Hard
SOQL Basics - ContactRecordsByEmail
No of Submissions: 295, Accuracy: 18.98%, Level: Hard
SOQL Basics - AccountRecordsOrderByName
No of Submissions: 0, Accuracy: 0%, Level: Hard
SOQL Basics - AccountRecordsOrderByName
No of Submissions: 0, Accuracy: 0%, Level: Hard
- Retrieve all Case Records along with their Status & Case Numbers in your system.
- Retrieve all the Contact records with their Name & Email where Email of the Contact is not null.
- Retrieve the Names & Amounts of all Opportunity records with an Amount greater than $10,000.
- Retrieve all the Account records with their Name & Billing City, As their billing city either ‘New York’ or ‘San Francisco’.
- Retrieve the Names of Contact records for all Account Records with the Name of an Account.
- Retrieve the Name & Type of all Account records where the Type field is either ‘Prospect’ or ‘Customer – Direct’.
- Retrieve the CaseNumber, Status, Priority of all Case records with a Status of ‘Closed’ and a Priority of ‘High’.
- Retrieve the Name, MailingState & MailingCity of all Contact records with a MailingState of ‘California’ and a MailingCity of ‘San Francisco’.
- Retrieve all Account records those are having Parent Account(By using ParentId).
- Retrieve the Contact records where the LastName starts with the letter “S”.
- Retrieve the Case records with a Description containing the word “urgent”.
Trailhead Exercise:
SOQL for Admins : https://trailhead.salesforce.com/content/learn/modules/soql-for-admins?trail_id=build-apex-coding-skills
Quick Start: Apex Coding for Admins : https://trailhead.salesforce.com/content/learn/projects/quick-start-apex-coding-for-admins