SOQL for Admins/ Beginner & Intermediate Developers
About Lesson
SOQL Basics - AccountRecords
No of Submissions: 61, Accuracy: 45.9%, Level: Medium
SOQL Basics - ContactRecords
No of Submissions: 31, Accuracy: 67.74%, Level: Easy
SOQL Basics - AccountRecordsByIndustry
No of Submissions: 411, Accuracy: 0%, Level: Hard
SOQL Basics - AccountRecordsForContacts
No of Submissions: 0, Accuracy: 0%, Level: Hard
SOQL Basics - CaseRecords
No of Submissions: 0, Accuracy: 0%, Level: Hard
SOQL Basics - ContactRecordsByEmail
No of Submissions: 295, Accuracy: 18.98%, Level: Hard
SOQL Basics - AccountRecordsOrderByName
No of Submissions: 0, Accuracy: 0%, Level: Hard
SOQL Basics - AccountRecordsOrderByName
No of Submissions: 0, Accuracy: 0%, Level: Hard


  2. Retrieve all Case Records along with their Status & Case Numbers in your system.
  3. Retrieve all the Contact records with their Name & Email where Email of the Contact is not null.
  4. Retrieve the Names & Amounts of all Opportunity records with an Amount greater than $10,000.
  5. Retrieve all the Account records with their Name & Billing City, As their billing city either ‘New York’ or ‘San Francisco’.
  6. Retrieve the Names of Contact records for all Account Records with the Name of an Account.
  7. Retrieve the Name & Type of all Account records where the Type field is either ‘Prospect’ or ‘Customer – Direct’.
  8. Retrieve the CaseNumber, Status, Priority of all Case records with a Status of ‘Closed’ and a Priority of ‘High’.
  9. Retrieve the Name, MailingState & MailingCity of all Contact records with a MailingState of ‘California’ and a MailingCity of ‘San Francisco’.
  10. Retrieve all Account records those are having Parent Account(By using ParentId).
  11. Retrieve the Contact records where the LastName starts with the letter “S”.
  12. Retrieve the Case records with a Description containing the word “urgent”.

Trailhead Exercise:

SOQL for Admins :

Quick Start: Apex Coding for Admins :


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